
It is easy to talk about being the city of the future. Actually becoming that city is much harder – particularly with the challenges of a rapidly growing population, climate change, pressure on natural resources and political and economic uncertainty.

Canary Wharf Group has a clear vision that enables us to put our words into action: by designing out waste, building in resilience and promoting a zero-carbon economy, guided by detailed, long-term targets. As a city of the future, we are already taking placemaking to the next level, creating the blueprint of tomorrow’s intelligent, flexible, connected city.

Our vision is to inspire positive impact by creating places that are healthy, thriving, sustainable and future-ready.

We have always been building the city of the future. When work began on Canary Wharf in 1987 on London’s former Docklands, the area was a desolate wasteland. Few would have envisaged the scale of transformation we have achieved in the three decades since. Along the way, we have learned much about how cities grow, lessons that inform the Canary Wharf of the future.



We have a rigorous, transparent approach to environmental data and performance monitoring. We aim to account for 100% of the data from all our operating companies. 5.1 Reporting approach.