Engaging Local Communities
Creating Positive Futures

Placemaking is all about creating a positive community to which people feel they truly belong. From the very start, being part of the wider community has been central to Canary Wharf Group. Engaging with our neighbours, listening to their ideas and involving them in ours, is vital to who we are and how we operate.

Being part of a thriving local community is important to the success and growth of Canary Wharf Group. As part of the community for more than 30 years, we aim to do what we can to support the growth and success of those around us, from local businesses to schools, clubs and individuals. But it’s about more than that – it’s also about giving people a real opportunity to be involved in shaping the places where they live and work, making those spaces truly theirs.

The more of us who participate in debating, shaping and mending the cities we live in, the better they will be, and the more reflective of our communities they will be too.
£3 million a year donated in financial, in-kind and volunteering support to the local community
£20 million in support over the past nine years


Being accessible to our community is important; we want to share our plans, let people ask questions and hear from our neighbours. In support of this in 2018 we took part in Open City’s ‘Open House London’ weekend and Build UK and the Construction Industry Training Board’s (CITB) ‘Open Doors’ event. These events aim to encourage engagement with the built environment and construction sites respectively.

For Open House London we opened the doors at One Canada Square and welcomed over 100 visitors, workers and enthusiasts who were able to gain an insight to the history of the Estate and its development by visiting the Marketing Suite on Level 30. They then took a glimpse into the future by visiting Level39, home to the world’s most connected tech community.

Open Doors offers a unique opportunity to members of the public to go behind the scenes of major construction sites and talk to the people working on them who will be on hand to answer questions. It aims to provide an insight to the full range of great opportunities that a career in construction can offer.

The Southbank Place, Newfoundland and Wood Wharf projects participated in 2018. Staff volunteers from CWCL provided a presentation on the project and the progress to date before taking guests on a tour of the construction site.


Being a good neighbour means building relationships with those around us. Our Community Forums offer us a chance to meet with local residents and groups to share plans and hear their thoughts, concerns and suggestions.


Every year, CWG employees give up their time to volunteer on projects that benefit the community; sometimes it isn’t simply funding but physical support that is required by voluntary groups. In 2018, 152 employees donated 1,048 hours of their time and energy. Projects included support of Tower Hamlets Council’s ‘The Big Clean Up’ as part of the Love your Neighbourhood campaign, helping to set up and run the East End Community Foundation’s Senior Citizen Tea Dance, facilitating activities at the St Johns Park Community Fun Day and fundraising for and delivering Christmas packages to local elders at Christmas.


Our fifth annual CWG Community Champions awards ceremony took place in November, celebrating local people who do so much to support the local community. Hosted at Level39, 10 people received a framed certificate from our chairman and chief executive officer, Sir George Iacobescu CBE, plus £250 each to donate to a community organisation of their choice.


Our targets are designed to contribute to the growth and development of the local community.
Read more about our 2018 progress against targets in our Measure chapter