Reporting Approach

We believe environmental data and performance monitoring should be dealt with transparently. We use best practice to report our data, and this is overseen at a high level within the business, including through our Corporate Responsibility Group.


We collect sustainability performance data from across the Group’s operation. This report aims to account for 100% of the data from the following entities:

Canary Wharf Limited (CWL)
Canary Wharf Management Limited (CWML)
Canary Wharf Contractors Limited (CWCL)

Our data covers:

Office Buildings
Three managed buildings and Canary Wharf Group’s administrative areas – 75% of the managed buildings portfolio.

Five retail malls – our entire retail portfolio.

Infrastructure and Car Parks
100% of infrastructure and car parks

Reporting period

The information in this report, published in 2019, covers the period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018 unless otherwise stated.

The baseline for all our environmental performance data and future targets is 2012. To view earlier performance data, please refer to our 2012 Sustainability Report.


Independent Assurance and credibility

Bureau Veritas UK Ltd. (‘Bureau Veritas’) has been engaged by Canary Wharf Group provide independent assurance over the quantitative data and performance against targets used in this report. You can find our full assurance statement here


Global Reporting Initiative

This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards Core Option. Our full GRI index can be found online in our Appendix. It is also aligned with the European Public Real Estate Association’s (EPRA) Best Practices Recommendations on Sustainability Reporting, Global Real Estate Environmental Benchmark (GRESB) and CDP requirements.


In 2018, we were proud to receive a number of awards and recognition for our sustainability work.

2018 Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB)

Canary Wharf Group received a score of 83% and earned 5 Green Stars

Capital Finance International Sustainability Awards 2018

Winner: Outstanding Contribution to Sustainable Development – United Kingdom 2018

Footprint Waste2Zero Awards

Best Closed Loop Award for Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Considerate Constructors Scheme

Canary Wharf Contractors Projects received awards in the Considerate Constructor Scheme

Environmental Assessment Methods

CWG Projects received the following certifications:

  • A1 Retail 71.5% Excellent BREEAM-0067-0224 New Construction 2011 Design Stage
  • A1 Residential 68.0% CFSH Level 4 BRE-00033586-DS-001-0
  • A2 Retail 73.1% Excellent BREEAM-0067-0174 New Construction 2011 Design Stage
  • A2 Residential 69.0% CFSH Level 4 BRE-00024968-DS-001-0
  • A3 Retail 71.5% Excellent BREEAM-0067-0208 New Construction 2011 Design Stage
  • A3 Residential 69.0% CFSH Level 4 BRE-00024970-DS-001-0
  • G3 Retail 73.7% Excellent BREEAM-0067-0216 New Construction 2011 Design Stage
  • G3 Residential 70.0% CFSH Level 4 BRE-00025158-DS-001-00
  • D1/D2 Retail 75.6% Excellent BREEAM-0070-6655 New Construction 2014 Design Stage
  • 1 Bank Soc Gen fit-out 88.77% Outstanding BREEAM-0060-5287 New Construction 2014 Design Stage
  • North Quay Communities 2012 Assessed (Outstanding)

edie Sustainability Leaders Awards 2018 CWG shortlisted for:

  • CSR Initiative – 30 Years of Canary Wharf
  • Sustainable Building – Crossrail Place
  • Waste Management and Reduction – Clean Coffee Zone

Construction News Awards 2018 – Canary Wharf Contractors shortlisted for:

  • Contractor of the Year
  • Environmental Contractor of the Year

Business Green Leaders Awards 2018
CWG Biodiversity Action Plan Shortlisted for Green Infrastructure Project of the Year

CIEEM Awards 2018
CWG Biodiversity Action Plan Shortlisted for Innovation Award

Health and Safety Awards
Royal Society for the Prevention Accidents (RoSPA) awards:

  • 2018 Gold Award – Canary Wharf Management
  • 2018 Gold Award – CWCL Project  Newfoundland
  • 2018 Gold Award – CWCL Project  One and Five Bank Street
  • 2018 Gold Award – CWCL Project  New District
  • 2018 Gold Award – CWCL Project  Southbank Place
  • 2018 Silver Award – Canary Wharf Contractors
  • 2018 Silver Award – CWCL Project Lollard Street
  • 2018 Silver Award – CWCL Project Burdett


In 2018, we made real progress against our targets, achieving 80% of what we set out to do. A full list of our targets and 2018 achievement can be found here.



Energy and greenhouse gas emissions
We continually seek ways to improve energy efficiency across our estate. Since 2012, 100% of the electricity we use has been from renewable sources, mostly wind power.

In 2018, landlord-influenced energy use across our operations rose by 11.54% and CO2 rose by 10.58% to 32,422 tonnes of CO2e. This was due to extensive commissioning activity during 2018, as well as extreme weather in both the winter and summer.

Energy consumption per occupant across our comparable managed office buildings was up by 8.06%.

Energy consumption per 1,000 visitors across retail went up by 1.52%, while energy use per m2 across our infrastructure and car parks went down by 19.5%.



Canary Wharf Group has a long-term commitment to reduce the amount of water we use. During 2018, total water use in CWG was 567,456 m3, an increase of 55.6% on 2017, largely as a result of extensive comissioning activity. Water use per occupant in office buildings was 18.02 m3 (2017: 15.49 m3), and water use per 1,000 visitors in retail was 0.38 m3.



Across Canary Wharf Group, we generated 10.23% less waste in 2018 compared with the previous year, and sent zero waste to landfill from managed areas. We also achieved our recycling objectives, and our recycling rate in December 2018 was 83.90%



Energy & Greenhouse
Gas Emissions









Energy & Greenhouse
Gas Emissions




GRI INDEX This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option.

General Standard Disclosures


Material Topics
